The Best Geiger Counters of 2020

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On the internet, self-styled experts draw up rankings of what they say are the best Geiger counters, and coincidentally, an Italian-made instrument like ours is never mentioned. So as the only Italian manufacturers of this category of instruments we want to tell you what we think about it.

How to Choose a Reliable Geiger Counter

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The online offer on Geiger counters for measuring radioactivity has now become quite extensive. This guide covers what you need to know when choosing your future Geiger detector.


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The recurring question of those who buy a Geiger counter for the first time is how to read the dose values ​​returned by the instrument, in practice, understanding when these can become dangerous to health and what damage can be caused by overexposure to ionizing radiation


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Natural radioactivity increases significantly as we reach very high altitudes. For example, already at 9000 meters the exposure level increases by at least 10 times