EASY RAY software to download Radioactivity data
General information about the Easy Ray Geiger Counter software :

• Product name: Easy Ray
• License: OEM associated with the purchase of one of our Geiger Guardian Ray and Trial for product testing only
• Author: Say. Licciardò Maurizio,
• Distributed by: ElectronicsNetwork.
• Current version: Release.4.2.0.
• 32 and 64 bit operating systems: da Windows XP service pack3, Windows Vista service pack 2, Win7 – Win8 – Win8.1 – Win10
• Interfaces managed on the PC: USB HID Full Speed
• Type: data acquisition software, graphic and statistical processing and representation
Functions implemented on the software to date (Easy Ray V 4.2):
• Automatic updating of the date and time of the Geiger counter using the date and time of the PC.
• Online acquisition and display of radioactivity values from Guardian Ray, via the USB port.
• Ability to set the minimum intervals for online data acquisition from Guardian Ray.
• Acquisition and display of radioactivity values from the Guardian Ray Datalogger, are USB ports.
• Storage of data acquired by the geiger counter on an MS database table. Access
• Possibility to filter both the tabular and graphical display of the acquired data based on location.
• Vector visualization of radioactivity data and their conversion into different units of measurement.
• Interpolation of the measurements acquired in microsieverts and vector graphics of the minimum values, medi, and maximums.
• Possibility of exporting the acquired data directly into Microsoft Excel format for post processing.
• Possibility to print vector graphics on radioactivity data and insert personalized notes
• Possibility to filter data during download from data logger based on a preset date range.
• Ability to set software compatibility with the version of Guardian Ray used.
• Release 3.0: – Fixed several compatibility issues with various Windows editions,
• Release 4.0: added checkbox “High Dynamic data range” which when selected allows you to acquire radioactivity values from the Guardian Ray datalogger that may have sudden peaks with an amplitude that differs significantly from the values acquired previously. instead with this box unchecked and in previous versions of the software, these sudden changes are automatically filtered and discarded. also always in release 4.0 the option to select in the settings and therefore manage the Guardian RAY PLUS counters editions from Rel.7.2 has been implemented.0 on.
• Release 4.1: introduced several graphical improvements and improved data management during online acquisition releases
• Release 4.2: (ultima) corrected the Easy Ray online acquisition algorithm and modified the range of acquisition intervals in the same mode which now no longer start from 60 seconds but from a minimum of 10 seconds and can be increased via slider with minimum steps of 10 seconds
Smartphone application "MicroGeiger per Android".
Micro Geiger is our specific application for mobile phones with Android operating system that must be used together with our little one Contatore Geiger Micro Geiger per Android.
Allows you to verify the presence of ionizing radiation in the environment, in the ground, imported materials, waste, scrap metal, timber, pellett, vintage objects, building materials, like granite, flooring tiles, bricks, cement, pozzolana, tuff, and on many other materials.